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Wiwid Gunawan - Hottest Indonesian Celebrity

Wiwid gunawan was known as one of the hottest indonesian movie star. after she took part in the Movie "Kawin kontrak lagi" she was nominated as one of the world's sexiest woman.. she listed in the number 16.

Rujuniarti Sapta Pertiwi (born in Bandung, West Java, 21 June 1982; the age of 26 years, better known as Wiwid Gunawan) is an actress and star ad Indonesia.

Wiwid Gunawan who was known as the Busty Actress make another surprise. after she admits that she was the lover of porn movies, now she published herself as one of the most sexiest woman in the world

The self described world's sexiest woman by Wiwid Gunawan might be because she looks so sexy in almost of her movie she starred. Wiwid said that she likes the Erotic Movies and do an erotic acting

She said that she was so happy after FHM magazine listed her in the World's sexiest woman, moreover FHM magazine list her on the sixth place.

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Artikel "Wiwid Gunawan - Hottest Indonesian Celebrity" Di Posting oleh: Chika dari Blog Indo Modele, dalam kategori Wiwid Gunawan. Melalui permalink http://indomodele.blogspot.com/2009/06/wiwid-gunawan-hottest-indonesian.html. Rating: 1010 Voting: 11,613, Tanggal Saturday, June 20, 2009, pukul 11:31 PM. Anda dapat melihat tulisan menarik yang lainnya di bawah ini :

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